Thursday, 15 April 2010

field&flower BBQ boxes

The weather forecast going into next week shows a lot of promise.....

The weekend of the 24th and 25th April is expected to be sunny! Hurrah. The London marathon is the event of next weekend, and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t celebrate this great event with a field&flower BBQ!

The field&flower BBQ box is now available to order for £20 (+ delivery) ....we will deliver to you on Friday 23rd April – wherever you are, in cold boxes.

The box contains:

10 spiced beef sausages and

8 homemade burgers

You can add:

Minute steaks or traditional four week hung thick cut steaks by request

Email to make an order

Or phone James on 07843388939


Tuesday, 13 April 2010

field&flower beef sausages

The grass is growing, the sun is shining and BBQ season is just around the corner....

When we were at Borough market in association with the Real Food Festival last month we trialled our new spiced (not spicy!) beef sausages. They went down very well. Our own special recipe means our beef sausages are unique, juicy, and of course hand made by our butcher to our recipe.

We made 250 sausages from our beef animal in less than an hour last month; this time round we’ll be making a few more in anticipation of some sunny BBQ weather.

We mince our beef once (not twice) to make sure the sausage has good old fashioned ‘bite’ and hang them over night to ensure the sausages flavours mature in their natural casings. We add nothing in the way of preservatives or bad stuff to our beef – ever!

If you have any suggestions for future flavours for our sausages we would love to hear from you at - we always need suggestions!

We have a great range of beef which is ready for those lazy sunny summer BBQ weekends so come and see us at Borough market on Thursday 22nd April, 11am – 5pm.
